One of the most satisfying parts of my job is the moment when, after months of devout studying into abstract constructions, I can finally apply what I have learnt to solve problems in the real world. One of these rare moments occured last week, and I’m eager to share what I’ve learnt with you. I’ll walk you through a definition of the problem, my first attempts at solving it, and then at the end we’ll see how I used indexed free monads to easily construct a DSL that produces an either more powerful solution. On with the show!
I have been tasked with building a web service for our frontend AngularJS application to talk to. The frontend developer is going to be manually binding to the output of my web service, so it’s paramount that the encoding never changes. Being JavaScript, the obvious choice of encoding is JSON. For example, we may have the following data type:
data Action = Action { actionType :: Text
actionActor :: Text
, }
Which has the following JSON encoding:
instance ToJSON Action where
Action{..} = object [ "type" .= actionType
toJSON "actor" .= actionActor
, ]
Now that we’ve done the easy part, we should make sure that we have sufficiently tested this encoding to ensure we are always using the correct encoding. QuickCheck would be a great tool for this: we simply generate Arbitrary
s, and convert them to JSON, finally verifying that certain paths in the JSON encoding meet our expectations. Note it’s not enough to witness that fromJSON . toJSON = id
, because that would only witness that there exists an isomorphism - but we need to be sure that we are using a specific encoding.
My first attempt looked something like this:
testAction :: Action -> TestTree
= testGroup "Action" [ testType, testActor ]
testAction where
= testProperty "type" $ \action ->
testType ^? key "type" == Just (actionType action)
toJSON action
= testProperty "actor" $ \action ->
testActor ^? key "actor" == Just (actionActor action) toJSON action
(I’m using lens-aeson
to traverse the AST that aeson
This is a start, but it certainly looks a bit clunky. There’s a lot of repetition going on here - we have to repeat toJSON action
and we have to make sure we access sub-parts of the input action
correctly. Furthermore, when things go wrong - this doesn’t really explain why things have gone wrong - only that the property is not always satisfied, because our QuickCheck property only returns a boolean.
Nevertheless, in the spirit of getting the job done, we carry on.
The next data type I had to approach had a rather awkward encoding:
newtype Sections = Sections { sections :: Vector Section }
data Section = Section { sectionName :: Text
sectionUrl :: Text
instance ToJSON Sections where
Sections v) = object $ Vector.toList $
toJSON (let indices = Vector.enumFromN 0 (Vector.length v)
Section{..} =
encodeSection i
object"sections" .=
[ .= object
object [ sectionName "sort-order" .= i
[ "url" .= sectionUrl
]in Vector.zipWith encodeSection indices v
The encoding of a list of sections is an object from the section name to the section itself, but also containing the sort-order of this section inside the vector. QuickChecking this becomes a lot more involved - we would have to find the sections themselves, pull out the JSON for each section and keep a reference for that, then run tests against it - finally joining everything back together. Also, note that we have to test against arbitrary Sections
- which means a single test is very big. Just having a boolean result is really not going to cut it now.
The problem, at least to me, felt like I was explaining how to perform the testing, rather than what tests I needed to take. I would have rather said “for each section, expect a JSON object to exist under that key, and then expect these properties”. Armed with a description of the test, I would then be “free” to interpret these tests separately (get it? eh?). I’d heard a lot about free monads as a way to write DSLs recently, so this seemed like a perfect excuse to see just how much I understood them.
There appear to be three main tasks that we will perform in our JSON testing:
For the first two, movement in the JSON itself should correspond with a movement in the Haskell value we used to encode the JSON. For example, if I have an Action
object above, traversing into the "actionActor"
key should be matched by applying the Action
we are encoding to the actionActor
field accessor. Thus it seems like we can begin writing the functor that will make up our free monad:
data JSONF a = Key String (i -> j) (j -> a)
But what a minute, where are these i
and j
type parameters coming from? We can think of i
as being the initial value we are encoding, and j
is a smaller part of i
that resides under the key we are traversing into. There seems to be no reason to hide these, so we’ll introduce them as type parameters:
data JSONF i j a = Key String (i -> j) (j -> a)
To recap, we have the name of the JSON key, an accessor function, and a continuation for the next step of the computation. This continuation receives the smaller structure we have traversed into (on the Haskell side).
A Functor
instance here is easy enough:
instance Functor (JSONF i j) where
fmap f (Key key accessor k) = Key key accessor (f . k)
Which means we are now ready to start experimenting with a free monad built from this functor. We introduce a smart constructor for layers in the free monad:
key :: String -> (i -> j) -> Free (JSONF i j) j
= Free (Key k f Pure) key k f
And an interpreter:
performTests :: ToJSON i => Free (JSONF i j) a -> i -> Bool
performTests f let encoded = toJSON subject
Pure _) _ _ = True
go (Free (Key keyName f k)) actual expected =
go (case actual ^? key keyName of
Just subJSON -> go (k $ f expected) subJSON (f expected)
Nothing -> False
in go f encoded subject
This so far gives us the ability to check the presence of keys in a JSON structure, but unfortunately we hit a snag. Lets say we have a Sections
vector, and we just want to check the URL of one section:
testSections :: ??
= do
testSections s $ Vector.head $ sections s)
key (sectionName . sections)
"url" sectionUrl key
Couldn't match type `Section' with `Sections'
Expected type: Free (JSONF Sections Section) Text
Actual type: Free (JSONF Section Text) Text
Bummer! The reason this doesn’t type check is a normal free monad builds on top of an un-indexed functor. Notice that the first accessor is from Sections
to Section
, while the second accessor is from Section
to Text
. Thus the functors are JSONF Sections Section a
and JSONF Section Text a
. These are not the same type of functor, thus we cannot use free monads to really do anything meaningful.
is actually an indexed functor, because the different constructors permit us to change the index as we go. The index in this case is the state of the Haskell value before and after applying some sort of traversal into the JSON structure. Thankfully, it turns out the idea of an “indexed free monad” is perfectly natural, and Fumiaki Kinoshita and Edward Kmett have already done the hard work for us (thanks!).
The one draw back of this approach is that we can no longer use the Monad
type class in the Prelude
. If we use -XRebindableSyntax
we can at least use do
notation though:
testSections :: IxFree JSONF Sections Text Text
= do
testSections s $ Vector.head $ sections s)
key (sectionName . sections)
"url" sectionUrl key
Alright! No changes to the implementation were necessary, just a change to the type signature. We’re on the right track. Now all that remains is to expand our vocabulary a bit more. Here’s a richer language for tests:
data JSONF i j a where
Key :: String -> (i -> j) -> (j -> a) -> JSON i j a
Index :: Int -> (i -> j) -> (j -> a) -> JSON i j a
Assert :: (Value -> Either String ()) -> a -> JSON i i a
key :: String -> (i -> j) -> JSONF i j j
= Free (Key key f Pure)
key key f
nth :: String -> (i -> j) -> JSONF i j j
= Free (Index nth f Pure)
nth n f
assertEq :: ToJSON a => a -> JSONF i i ()
assertEq expected let p actual
| actual == (toJSON expected) = Right ()
| otherwise = unlines [ "Expected: " ++ show expected
" Got: " ++ show actual
]in Free (Assert p (Pure ())
and Index
move us deeper into the JSON structure, while Assert
takes the current JSON Value
and checks it against an arbitrary predicate. The predicate can fail with a string indicating why the assertion failed. I’ve added one smart constructor for predicates, which assumes that the current JSON matches the ToJSON
encoding of a value. We can now rephrase the initial Action
tests in our new DSL:
= testGroup "Action" [ testType, testActor ]
testAction where
= testProperty "type" $ performTests $ do
testType <- key "type" actionType
assertEq actual
= testProperty "actor" $ performTests $ do
testActor <- key "actor" actionActor
actual assertEq actual
Great - we’re at least as capable as before! It turns out we can go further, with just a little more work. If we upgrade to an indexed MonadPlus
monad, we also gain the ability to perform multiple tests at once. This is the key part for testing arrays, as it permits us to backtrack our JSON traversal. This requires little work on our part - we simply switch out Control.Monad.Indexed.Free.IxFree
for Control.Monad.Indexed.Free.Plus.IxFree
and modify the interpreter to deal with the Plus
constructor of IxFree
. This would let us combine our two tests into one:
= testProperty "Action" $ performTests $
testAction "type" actionType >>>= assertEq
isum [ key "actor" actionActor >>>= assertEq
, key
where isum :: [IxFree i j a] -> IxFree i j a
I’ve also demonstrated here that now that we have used a monad as our underlying test representation, we get to make use of all the monadic combinators to structure our tests (or at least the indexed-monad equivalents).
Now that our tests are more extensive, we really need to work on making it easy to respond to test failures. In order to do so, we need better diagnostics. Now that we have separate the test specification from the test running, it’s easy to add diagnostics - we just extend the test interpreter.
Each traversal - be it into an object by key or an array by index - is described in full in our functor. Thus when we interpret, we can also build up a human readable string of where we are, and say which properties fail to meet our expectations. The extended interpretor can be found here - I won’t go into details now, but hopefully you can follow it easily enough.
Finally, lets look at testing that horrible Sections
vector that got us here in the first place. Our tests can now be expressed as:
testSections :: JSONTest Sections
= performTests $ do
testSections <- key "sections" sections
sections $ flip map [0 .. Vector.length sections] $ \i -> do
isum let s = sections Vector.! sections
const s)
key (sectionName s) (
$ key "url" sectionUrl >>>= assertEq
isum [ jsonTest $ key "sort-order" (const i) >>>= assertEq
, jsonTest ]
We just need one more combinator - jsonTest
- which simply discards the final state. The reason for this is because isum
expects that all alternative actions end in the same state. We can easily end in the same state regardless of how we got there if we just always end with ()
- so jsonTest :: JSONTest i j a -> jsonTest i () a
I think this is a really concise way to explain the expectations of JSON serialisation for a fairly convoluted encoding. We move into the “sections” key, which is akin to pulling out the Vector Section
from a Sections
. Then, we access each element of this vector by its index (zipping each element with it’s index would also be appropriate), and for each Section
we attempt to traverse into a key that matches the sectionName
. I use const s
as I already know the Section
that I’m expecting. I complete my tests by summing a series of tests to be performed on this individual section. My tests can refer back to any previous variable that we bound earlier - so the test for the "sort-order"
can elegantly refer back to the index of the Section
in the original sections
I feel that I’ve mostly taken logical steps from the initial problem to a solution, but it’s not necessarily the only solution. The indexed monad felt natural due to the changing type of environment as I traverse the JSON. However, this comes with a cost for the user - as they now have to enable RebindableSyntax
and bring appropriate definitions for >>=
into scope. Is it possible that there are other types that we could use? I expect so! For example, things that move from i
to j
look suspiciously like arrows which we also get special notation in Haskell. Or maybe there’s a way to use existential types to hide the before or after types. I don’t know, but it may lead to yet simpler tests with less exotic structures underneath them.
Moving away from the underlying representation, this work could go further in terms of functionality too. So far it only tests that the JSON contains the right keys and values, but it doesn’t test exhaustively. It wouldn’t be much work to extend the interpreter to fail the test if there are unexpected keys too.
Either way, what I have at the moment feels useful enough to me that the real next step is to get this stuff onto Hackage. In the meantime, you can find this code on my Github account. I just have a few pull requests to get merged, and then I’ll release this.
You can contact me via email at or tweet to me @acid2. I share almost all of my work at GitHub. This post is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.